Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pro Life and Pro Choice

I don’t like the distinction between Pro Life and Pro Choice. I don’t like the idea that you have to be one or the other. I’m both. I’m Pro Life. Abortion is a horrible taking of Human Life. I believe life starts at conception. Abortion should never be a choice, or an option considered. I’m Pro Choice. God gave us all free will. We can choose to obey his laws or not. You cannot force people into an action, or away from an action, by legislating it. We have the commandments, but do we follow them. I believe the only thing that will stop abortion is prayer, love, and compassionate alternatives. I have a choice and I choose life. I pray that those who are faced with the terrible choice of killing a life, or bringing it into this world, will choose the latter. What can we do to help?
Many of you reading this won’t agree with me. Can we at least agree to pray together?

1 comment:

  1. stuggled with that as is one thought, or consider this view, if you will.

    If some individuals started beating homeless people to death, wouldn't all of us fight desperately,no....DEMAND, that it be stopped???

    Would we say to the world, it is the abusers choice to torture the homeless and we should not force them to stop?

    When Imaculee's family members were murdered, Certainly, she forgave them, but is it our stand to let it happen again and again and not take a stand against genocide? Wouldn't we fight to make genocide and human torture against the law??

    You have to ask yourself this.
    Do I believe that an unborn fetus, is a human being?

    You are so quick to protect the homeless. But not that child. If the homeless and abused, is a child, not yet born...they are not as important.


    Remember. These little ones are the most vulnerable. These little ones have no one to fight for them.

    Why are they less important in our hearts than those who have been born?
